The Senior Executive Round Table (SERT) is meant for C-Suite, senior management, and top-level executives to provide a forum to share network information such as critical leads, contacts, opportunities and market-place intelligence. This is all done in a discreet manner where confidence and trust abound.

Please adhere to the following guidelines during the networking session:
1. Set phones to vibrate: Ensure that your mobile devices are set to vibrate mode to minimize disruptions.
2. Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of the discussions. What is shared during the session should remain within the group.
3. Display of Overview Sheets: All one-page overview sheets will be displayed on the screen while you present your information.
4. Time Allocation: Each networker will have a total of 5 minutes. This includes 2 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for the floor to open.
5. State your Value Proposition: Clearly articulate your Value Proposition, what you are seeking from the group, and what you can offer in return.
6. Open Floor: After your 2 minute presentation, the floor will open for 3 minutes. During this time, other attendees can provide ideas, contacts, leads, opportunities, or any combination thereof to assist you.
7. Take Notes: Keep track of the individuals who offer you information or assistance during the session.
8. Post-Network Meeting: Take the initiative to connect with those individuals whom you would like to continue the conversation with after the networking session.
9. Feedback Form: Please fill out the feedback form when you receive it after the meeting. Your input is valuable for improving future networking sessions.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a productive and collaborative networking experience.

We are all here to help each other! Give before you get!