By Linda Van Valkenburgh, MS, CCMC, CJSS, CSMCS, CELDC
[email protected]

Many of us begin our careers thinking we know exactly what we want to be.
As we engage in our work, we slowly begin to realize that what we were looking for cannot be found in the job we have taken on.
Now, this is not always the case, but if you do not have absolute clarity around what you want to do and achieve, you can easily become a wandering generality, coasting along until there is no time left to decide.
What was is that you wanted to be when you grew up again?
If you are not sure, it is time to do a bit of reflection and self-exploration.

Do You Know What You Want?
If you already know what you want out of your career, that’s fine, and there is no need to delve any deeper.
However, if you feel like you lost sight of your goals, you are not passionate about the work you are doing anymore, or you are in a rut, now would be a good time to consider your future.
Sometimes, it can be hard to get present to what you truly want out of your career. Seeking out the help of a coach or mentor during this process would be wise, as they can shed some light on your blind spots.
Before you can clarify and identify your next steps, first you will need to determine what you would like to achieve.

Are You On The Right Career Path?
You may have started down a path thinking it would eventually get you to where you want to go.
As you started taking some of the opportunities that came your way, it is entirely possible that you got off course. Now you are on a path that may not lead to the destination you had in mind.
Nobody likes paying their dues when it comes to getting what they want, but it may be time for you to get back to your roots. Take a role that will help you get to where you want to go.

What Are You Passionate About?
School counselors often ask students what they are good at and what they are passionate about.
While these are not the only questions you should be asking as you look to figure out what you want to be when you grow up, passion is a significant point to pay attention to.
If you are passionate about what certain organizations are up to, you are more likely to be excited and enthusiastic about the work you would get to do in those companies. This will also mean that you will be more likely to stay longer in the role too, which can be another important factor for success.

Where Can You Make The Biggest Impact?
Do you see an opportunity to make an impact in the world? Is there a problem you can solve?
More than ever, workers are connected to their values and what matters to them. If you know what matters to you, that means there is a good chance you would be more effective in a role where you know you can cause meaningful change.
So, it is worth evaluating where you can make a difference, as the work you do could far outlive you, leaving a legacy for others to enjoy.

Final Thoughts
People tend to put themselves under a lot of pressure when it comes to making decisions regarding their careers. If they do not make a perfect decision, they end up feeling like their decision was wrong. This leaves you in analysis paralysis.
The reality is this: there probably isn’t a perfect decision you can make – only a decision that is right for this moment. It is far more freeing to think in terms of the opportunities available to you now, and which are the right fit for you, versus trying to manufacture an opportunity that may not even exist.

Let’s get to work!
If you have questions about your executive career search, please contact me at 203-323-9977 or [email protected]